Be Different. Normal Is Boring.


We handle all your residential restoration needs efficiently.

Insurance Claims

We work with all major carriers to restore your home after the storm.

Outdoor Living

Exclusive outdoor living partner for over 20+ years.

About Us

At Unicorn Roofing & Exteriors, we take a hands on approach. As a family owned & operated business, we take pride in our down to earth & no nonsense approach. You will receive a personalized service experience with details that apply to your specific project and needs. We aim to provide a level of customer service like no other in the industry. When the storm hits and the roofers are banging down your door you will now be able to tell them "I already have a Unicorn"

We look forward to welcoming you to the family! And remember...Be Different. Normal is Boring.

We Provide Quality Exterior Restoration Solutions


Premium Exterior Restoration Services

We provide a premium restoration service in times when you need it most. We take the headache out of dealing with insurance all while providing top notch customer service and care for your home and family. With "down to decking" tear off procedures we can insure that your new roofing system will perform at its absolute best! Contact Unicorn Roofing & Exteriors today for your free comprehensive roof evaluation. We make magic happen daily. Today is your day!


Roofing Repair

When making repairs to your home it is not always best to find the cheapest contractor. (see image)
At Unicorn we make repairs that we can stand behind. We also make it a point not to price gouge on repairs. We prefer to build a relationship which turns into customers for life and sometimes that starts with a simple and reasonably priced repair.

Damage Inspection

Damage is not always visible from the ground. We make use of drone technology and qualified inspectors who safely climb your roof and check for numerous aspects of storm damage on every roof inspection. Once complete we proud a detailed roof report and answer all your questions while guiding you how to proceed

Outdoor Living

We offer property specific outdoor living solutions via our exclusive partnership with Decks By Design here in Prosper, TX. There is no "plan a" or "plan b" when it comes to your backyard. We create a design that is catered to your yard and your visions for a retreat that will make you never want to leave your own backyard.